Sunday Services

All our morning services below are at 10:30am, and our evening gatherings are at 6pm (every 2nd Sunday). You can join us in person or on Zoom by clicking here, or entering the details below:

Meeting ID: 883 0359 6917
Password: 223687

Daniel: Boldly Trusting in God

As we start 2025 we will be working our way through the book of Daniel.

Our prayer is that as we look at how Daniel navigates a foreign land of powerful rulers, the fiery furnace and the lion’s den boldly standing firm in his trust in God, that we would do the same.

Also seeing the glory of God who reigns over all, through the life and visions of Daniel.

Living and Telling

In the evenings on the 2nd Sunday of the month we will meeting at 6pm to go through the ‘Living and Telling’ course.

If you want to grow in your confidence and skills in sharing your faith with your family, friends and neighbours, this course could be a really blessing and help.

If you want to find our more about the course follow this link: Living and Telling Course.

2ndJames RaynorHumility before God – Daniel 4:1-37
9thMark WagstaffFamily Service
6pm – Living and Telling
16thTim WelchCommunion ServiceGod’s judgment of the proud – Daniel 5:1-31
23rdJames RaynorFaith in the face of persecutionDaniel 6:1-28
2ndJill CheesmanGod’s Kingdom Prevails – Daniel 7:1-28
9thMatt Craig (Youth for Christ)Family Service
6pm – Living and Telling
16thTim WelchCommunion Service – Daniel 8:1-27
23rdJames RaynorDaniel 9:1-27
30thJill CheesmanMothering SundayDaniel 10:1-11:20
6thTim WelchDaniel 11:21-12:13

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